Bird Cage
A bird cage with dimensions of 46x46x86.5 cm is great for small to medium-sized birds, such as budgies, lovebirds, or canaries. Here are some tips for setting it up:
Perches: Add a few perches of different materials and diameters to keep your bird's feet healthy and give them places to rest.
Toys: Include a variety of toys to encourage play and exploration, such as swings, chew toys, and foraging toys.
Feeding Stations: Set up multiple food and water dishes at different heights to encourage movement and exploration.
Safety: Ensure all cage accessories are bird-safe and free from harmful materials.
Cleaning: Choose a cage with a removable tray for easy cleaning, and maintain a regular cleaning schedule to keep the environment healthy.
Placement: Position the cage in a well-lit area but out of direct sunlight to prevent overheating.
If you have any specific questions or need further tips, just let me know!